Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 9 - Mindless eating!

Have you ever eaten something so fast, you don't even remember if it tasted good? If you are overweight like me, you probably are saying yes. Today was a very stressful day at work, I literally was dealing with a life or death situation for a patient. The work I had to do for this patient consumed most of my day. I had a 1pm meeting that I needed to go to, but because of some phone calls I needed to make, I was running late. I did plan on having a salad from the cafeteria, but time would not allow me to get there, get the salad and bring it to the meeting. Instead, as I was walking by one of the mini cafes, I grabbed a pre-made tuna sandwich on whole wheat, which just so happened to come with a bag of chips. I took a bag of baked lays. I work in a very big inner city hospital, there are several small cafes sprinkled throughout the buildings that comprise the healthcare center. By the time I sat down at the meeting, I was pretty hungry. Before I knew it, the sandwich was gone. I gobbled it up so fast, I couldn't tell you if it tasted good. Yes, I was hungry, but I really don't like doing that mindless eating. That type of eating was one of the contributing factors to why I am overweight today. The big difference is now, I have taken notice of it and feel somewhat ashamed. I sit here and wonder if any of my colleagues had watched me eat that sandwich and chips. I don't think I came up for a breath between bites. In my mind, I keep seeing a replay of what that must have looked like and I don't like what I see. I need to work on that. I just said on Saturday nights post that I should eat more like me niece. Slow, small bites, resting in between. I am not going to beat myself up over this. I recognize it is a problam, I need to make a conscious effort to work on it.
I did good with my calorie bank again today, this really is an easy plan. I have been pleasantly surprised that 1500 calories can be a lot of food, depending upon my choices. I eat 3 main meals with my snacks in between and drink water. I actually love water, always have, no flavor added. I have never been a big soda drinker, if I do drink it, I always choose a clear soda. The others are way too sweet for me. Oh, and another thing about me, I hate popcorn. I know, it has been said to me a million times, "how could anyone hate popcorn". Well, I do!...and bananas too!
Although, tomorrow will be a sad day in the morning due to my Aunt's funeral, I am looking forward to seeing some of my relatives I haven't seen in a while. Sadly, the only time we get together is at weddings and funerals. Should be bitter sweet.
Thanks for any of the comments that you have left me. If you are in the same boat as me, we need to believe that we can do this, we have to, the time is now!

I am worth it!


  1. Prayers for you and your family tomorrow. Don't beat yourself up about today I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you imagined! Hang in there it will be a challenge tomorrow! There will be lots of food be strong!

  2. Too many times have I eaten too fast to know what I really ate. You are doing so good!! Keep it up. You and yours will be in my prayers today.

  3. Just because you did not have what you had planned for lunch, it still sounded like a pretty good choice to me and obviously it fit into your plan. Yes a piece of fruit may have been better than the chips but you made the wisest choice when it came to the chips. You're probably just feeling overwhelmed. Take some time tonight for yourself doing what you enjoy doing ... maybe a walk.

  4. Bernice, Thin Lizzy and Mensa,
    Thank you so much for the support and the prayers. It means so much. Best wishes! Jill
