Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 11 - Exercise!

I am one of the best customers that my gym has. I have automatic payment for my montly dues set up through my bank account. The machines are always available for someone else to use. No one ever has to clean up after me. Well, you probably have already guessed it.....I am never there! I joined the gym back in 2006 when I bought my townhouse, and I am embarrassed to admit, I have never, and I mean never, gone there to work out. Why? What am I afraid of? Back in 2003, I joined a gym with my friend, I went faithfully 3x per week for at least 4 months. In that time, I lost 67lbs from working out and eating healthier. Yes, it was hard at first. I struggled on the eliptical machine, could barely lift any weight....but with consistency, my abilities increased. After a month, I was using the eliptical for 45 minutes, I was lifting a good amount of weights, I was actually getting into working out. People complimented me all of the time. I really was feeling good about myself. Slowly, but surely, I pulled back on the number of days I worked out, and then my diet began to falter. I can't pin point any particular event as to why I began to slip...but once I did, my momentum and motivation were lost.
Getting back to the gym is going to take committment and time. I do have the time, but am I ready to commit? I am truely committed to healtier food choices and a 1500 calorie daily food budget. That committment is rock solid. One of my goals that I put down on Day 1 was to move more, I honestly have been doing that. I having been walking daily back to my car after work, which is about a 10-12 minute walk, my house has never been cleaner. I feel good about that, but I need to do more. From my previous successful weightloss experience, I definitely know that strength training, building muscles, helped burn more calories. Which in turn, helped me lose weight. My goal for one week from now, will be to have gone to the gym at least 2x. I think I can do that. No, I know I can do that!
Feeling great about staying within my 1500 calorie budget today. I look forward to tomorrow and moving more!

I am worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I too struggle with staying in the gym. Don't know why cause I always feel so good after a workout!!! Keep it up YOU ARE WORTH IT.
