Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 14 - Two weeks and I am doing this!

Wow, I can't believe it has already been 2 weeks on this journey. I feel really good about staying within my 1500 calorie plan each day. There was only 1 day when I really was hungry. I have been moving more, but I do need to push that up a notch to be more successful. My goal is to get to the gym 2 days before Friday. I will be weighing in tomorrow morning on the scale in the Occupational Office at work. I am excited.

I worked today and am feeling pretty tired. (especially since I went to bed late last night) I need to relax and may catch some of the Emmy Awards. Tomorrow should be another good day!

I am worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your two weeks in. I just found your blog. I just found your blog and see that you are just starting out. I have only been blogging about my weight loss journey for two months, so I am always on the look out for others who are getting started. I have found blogging to be incredibly empowering and a way to keep myself accountable. There are thousands of weight loss blogs you just have to find them and find the ones that intrigue you. I will suggest a couple of places to go to review other weight loss blogs if you are interested. I would invite you to check them out; honestly, the blogging world is fabulously supporting and encouraging. (Oh, and BTW, we chose the same template for our blogs. Cool, isn’t it?).

    List of 100 Blogs to Support your During Your Weight Loss Journey

    Blog role from Lyn at Escape from Obesity:

    And to be inspired and see where your efforts might eventually lead by checking out this link:

    Stay strong, your friend in blog land, Michele of
