Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 7 - Eating out!

I spent some quality time with my Mom, sister and niece today. My Mom's sister just passed away yesterday, so my sister and I didn't want our Mom to be alone. Mom was ok, she had her moments of sadness and tears, but she finds solace in the fact that my Aunt no longer suffers. May she rest in peace.
The four of us spend many Saturdays or Sundays together. We go shopping, out to lunch and do more shopping. Today was unlike many of those days. But the difference for me was when we went out to lunch, I paid very close attention to the menu of choices that were in front of me. Before I started this journey, I would have chosen whatever looked the most delicious on the menu. Now, I am trying to make healthier choices. I zoned in on a chicken dish with plenty of vegetables. Instead of white rice, I asked for brown. I ate an appropriate sized portion and then pushed the plate away from me. I wasn't full, but I was quite satisfied. 
In the past, when we would go out for lunch, I would gorge myself, finishing every last bite. Why? Why did I do that? No one ever threatened to take my food from me. I never really enjoyed what I ate, because I shoved it down.
My niece is 8, she will be 9 in December. I watched her as she ate today. She took small bites, put down her fork between them and chewed her food. Yeah, I know, she has a smaller mouth, hence the smaller bites, but she was eating like the rest of should be. Slowly, taking small bites, putting our fork down between them and chewing our food. Not swallowing it practically whole. She actually announced to the rest of us, I am full, and stopped eating.
I know Sean Anderson has mentioned this in his blog, that he has learned to focus more on the people he is with, then on the food. Many, if not most times I go out to eat, I do not talk much. I am focused on consuming all the food on my plate. What a shame, I missed out on contributing to many conversations that were going on around me. I got lost in my food. Sad, isn't it.
When eating out from now on, I will make the effort to eat like my niece and take the time to converse with those around me.

I am worth it!

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